Sunday, March 28, 2010

a little bit of stuff

* i have just entered this photo into a contest. would you be kind and vote?*

it was a really nice day yesterday, it was sunny and although we didn't spend any of it outdoors, we got a lot done! i was able to gt all of my orders packed and shipped by Noon and a little more inventory made. After that we went in search for some paint for Husbands art room. i took him our of his comfort zone a bit and got a dijon yellow for the cubbies. i could tell he was not overly excited, but i knew once it was up he'd love it. this dang cat of mine is just too cute and i can't help but post a million photos like a crazy cat lady. today is overcast and cruddy looking, so we opted for a bit of cleaning, a pot of turkey chili and the mariners game. 
sounds good to me.
gray and yellow. it's matches batman nicely. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

welcome Satchel!

this is our newest family member.
he joined us friday evening, and blended in very well. 
he is super sweet, soft and snugly and loves to play. he can fit in your pocket.
tuck is still *trying to get used to him. 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

it's been a quite a year for me already. i had something come into my life that i never in a million years thought i would. it was a surprise that i never expected to be so happy the past, i had briefly imagined what  it might be like one day, and of course things are never as you imagine or plan. this far exceeded any of my thoughts. and i like it. it has been really exciting to think of all the possibilities and memories that i am about to create. here is one of them...

this weekend we created some felt food for lanna. they re quite adorable! 
if you have a little one, or just like to make cute things, i highly recommend this. it's easy, but time consuming. and completely worth it. *much like getting to know someone. here is where you can buy this cute breakfast set. there is much more to this set, and we plan on making them all! unless we decide not to of course. because that's a possibility too.
pop tarts. I KNOW. how cute are these?